Evaluation of unplayed competitions

All football competitions except the professional ones were prematurely ended. Slovácko can be sorry not only in the MSFL, where the team finished even in first place, but the second Vyškov, which played one match less and in the recalculation of the coefficient is in the first place.
"We went into the season with respect, humility and a desire to be an interesting team, with hungry players and players with potential for league football. We played 11 games in which we did not find an opponent, despite the fact that we only played 4 times on our home pitch. The overall score of 23:6 speaks for the fact that we have succeeded," says Jiří Saňák, the coach of the B-team.
"I would like to highlight the excellent connection with the A-team, for which we were a partner. Coach Svědík and his team deserve a big thanks for their support and cooperation, thanks to which we managed to put together a very good team, which unfortunately could not fight for the top positions. We managed to create this team thanks to the work and enthusiasm of people throughout the club, cooperation with youth teams, I would like to praise my closest colleagues who give their hearts to football - Pavel Němčický, Zdeněk Botek, Petr Drobisz, Adam Skřivan and Mr. Horák," adds coach Saňák.
Even the youth teams were forced to end their competitions and, as the head coach of the Academy Michal Kordula explains, the training process has moved mainly to the online mode.
"It is a great pity for us, because we have shown in all categories that we are competitive with the best teams in the country and I think that in all categories we are developing individuals who can play at least in our league A-team in the future. It shows in some of the scoring charts, for example David Šlechta was the second top scorer in the youth league, despite being a year younger than his competitors. It was similar in the U15 category, where Jan Lacko was equally successful. In other categories we have a lot of players displaced by younger players. We are still competitive, which shows that we don't have to worry about the future," explains Kordula, who had to deal with his coaches about the training process during the pandemic.
"We tried to work both in online mode and in the maximum possible extent of the rules according to the FAČR protocol. I have to thank the club management for allowing players who have professional contracts to train with our junior team. Some guys like Kudela, Velecký, Vecheta, jumped into training with the league A-team," Kordula added.
It was very similar with the girls' youth teams, as Miroslav Zbořil, head coach of Women's Football, explains.
"Unfortunately, just like last season, this season has been significantly affected by the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. The competitions were suspended in mid-October last year and as time went on, due to the development of the pandemic, it became clear that the amateur competitions would not be played again. The most noticeable impact of the early termination was on our junior girls. Last year they finished in 1st place ahead of Slávia and Sparta and were only 2 games short of finishing the regular season. In the recently finished season, the girls were once again first, not losing a single point after six games and dominating the table with a score of 40:0. They beat their biggest competitors by a high score - Sparta 3:0 and Slávia 4:0. The last two seasons ended rather disappointingly for the extremely promising 2002-2003 years. We hope that the long break will not affect the interest of the girls in football and despite the long break they will continue to show the same interest and enthusiasm for football as before," wishes Zbořil.
The only women's competition that continues and will hopefully be finished is the top women's competition. It received a waiver from the Ministry of Health in January and continues under strict hygiene measures (testing, no spectators), similar to the two top men's competitions.
"Recently, the extra-curricular part started. The women's team is in 3rd place by a wide margin and the girls should not miss the historic opportunity to play in the Women's Champions League for the first time in history this summer. We have managed to incorporate promising juniors into the women's squad, who immediately fit into the team," adds Zbořil.