Interview with Maria Lysáková

Our former player Maruška Lysáková probably needs no introduction to our fans. A great fighter, who always had Slovácko in her heart, now continues as a coach of our preparatory school.
Hi Maruška, what made you want to become a coach?
I didn't think much about a coaching career at the beginning and I got into it accidentally thanks to my job. At first, I was helped with coaching by a colleague from whom I learned a lot and with whom I coached Pitín for two years. But then I was offered a job as a coach of the preparatory category in Slovácko. At first I was hesitant because I didn't know what to expect, but now I am grateful for this opportunity.
In Slovácko you are coaching our smallest players, i.e. the preparatory group. How do you enjoy working with them and how are you doing so far?
I really enjoy working with the youngest players because in this category you can see the progress of individual players the most. In the beginning we were struggling with the number of players, but this year the number has stabilized and we have enough players in both the younger and older prep. We train twice, sometimes even three times a week and the result is therefore reflected in the matches. In addition to training, the girls have athletics training once a fortnight, which I see as a great benefit. So we managed to play 7 games in the autumn and we did really well, with the older prep team losing only 2 of their games and the younger prep team losing only one. So I rate the autumn part very well.
What is your coaching philosophy and what are you trying to pass on to the girls?
As far as any philosophy and what my plan is, I see the attitude of the individual players towards training as the primary key to success. I want the players to go all out every practice and to push themselves outside of practice if possible. Another goal and priority for me is the team as a whole, where I instill in the players that if they play as a team they can beat anyone.
Do you still play actively yourself anywhere?
I definitely ended my soccer career a year ago and now I play with the girls more recreationally or in training.
What are your memories of your playing career in Slovácko?
There are so many memories that I couldn't fit them in here. But only the good memories prevailed, when we had a lot of fun with the players, both during training and outside of it. I also like to remember the coaches who taught us a lot, and not only in terms of football. They were able to educate us as a player, but also as a person.
Can you think of a game or the biggest success you've had as a player?
There were more than one, but I definitely like to remember the matches with the Prague S, which were always a little holiday for us and every big success we enjoyed and celebrated. As a player, I also like to remember the opportunity to see the national team and gain valuable experience.
What is your civilian job and how do you manage it in combination with coaching?
This is my fifth year as an elementary school teacher. However, in combination with football it is very similar, because one tends to educate both pupils and players. However, it wasn't always easy to combine it, because besides work and football I was also studying college in Olomouc by distance learning.
What comes to your mind when you say Slovácko?
One big family! It has always been and still is. We pride ourselves on a great team, which I think works well in all categories. We are a team that can make big things out of small things.
Thanks for the interview and fingers crossed for your coaching career!